- Siebentritt
- Übername zu mhd. siben »sieben« und mhd. trit »Tritt, Schritt, Tanz« für jemanden, der gerne tanzte.
Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen. 2013.
Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen. 2013.
Deutsche Pétanque-Meisterschaften — Amtierende Meister Disziplin Meister Jahr Triplette Malte Berger Mohamed Kamel Bourouba Sascha von Pleß 2010 Doublette Burkhard Rudolph Jean Luc Testas 2010 Tête à tê … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Octāves — This article is about the a cappella group. For other uses, see Octave (disambiguation). The Octāves The Octāves classic 8 ball logo Background information Also known as Richmond Octāves … Wikipedia
Bibliography — Introduction Listed are a variety of sources: official government reports; the reports of nongovernmental organizations at the international, regional, and national levels; and works by individuals. The works by individuals include academic… … Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”