
Ableitungen auf -mann von Strass, Straß oder Strasse, Straße.

Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen. 2013.

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  • Strassmann — Straßmann oder Strassmann ist der Name von Antonie Straßmann (1901–1952), deutsche Schauspielerin, Sportfliegerin mit Kunstfluglizenz Ernst Strassmann (1897–1958), deutscher Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus Ferdinand Straßmann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strassmann, Fritz — born Feb. 22, 1902, Boppard, Ger. died April 22, 1980, Mainz, W.Ger. German physical chemist. He helped develop the method of rubidium strontium dating widely used in geochronology. Beginning in 1934, he joined Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner in their …   Universalium

  • Strassmann , Fritz — (1902–1980) German chemist Strassmann was born at Boppard in Germany and educated at the Technical University at Hannover. He taught at Hannover and at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute before being appointed to the chair of inorganic and nuclear… …   Scientists

  • Strassmann-Zeichen — Strạssmann Zeichen [nach dem dt. Gynäkologen P.Strassmann ZeichenF. Strassmann, 1866 1938]: = Nabelschnurzeichen …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • ШТРÁССМАН (Strassmann) Фриц — (Strassmann) Фриц (1902–1980), нем. физик и химик. Дир. Ин та неорганич. и ядерной химии в Майнце (1946–70). Совм. с О. Ганом открыл деление ядер урана под действием нейтронов (1938) …   Биографический словарь

  • Strassmann's theorem — In mathematics, Strassman s theorem is a result in field theory. It states that, for suitable fields, suitable formal power series with coefficients in the valuation ring of the field have only finitely many zeroes.tatement of the theoremLet K be …   Wikipedia

  • Strassmann, Fritz — (22 feb. 1902, Boppard, Alemania–22 abr. 1980, Maguncia, Alemania Occidental). Fisicoquímico alemán. Contribuyó a desarrollar el método de datación por rubidio estroncio muy usado en geocronología. En 1934 se unió a las investigaciones que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Joan E. Strassmann — is a leading evolutionary biologist at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Her work focuses on cooperative alliances that have occurred at several important steps in the evolution of life, and which have proven evolutionarily and ecologically… …   Wikipedia

  • Johannes Strassmann — (* 3. Januar 1985 in Bonn) ist ein professioneller deutscher Pokerspieler und zählt zu den erfolgreichsten europäischen Live und Onlinepokerspielern.[1][2] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Poker 2.1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fritz Strassmann — Infobox Scientist name = Fritz Strassmann box width = image width = 150px caption = Fritz Strassmann birth date = February 22, 1902 birth place = Boppard death date = April 22, 1980 death place = Mainz residence = citizenship = nationality… …   Wikipedia

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