
aus einer niederdeutschen Form von Burkhard hervorgegangener Familienname.
Bekannter Namensträger: Wolfgang Borchert, deutscher Schriftsteller (20.Jh.).

Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen. 2013.

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  • BORCHERT (W.) — BORCHERT WOLFGANG (1921 1947) La brève destinée de Wolfgang Borchert est placée tout entière sous le double signe du théâtre et de la guerre. Après un stage d’apprentissage dans une librairie, Borchert devient acteur dramatique, lorsqu’à vingt… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Borchert — Bọrchert,   1) Jochen, Politiker, * Nahrstedt (Landkreis Stendal) 25. 4. 1940; Diplomökonom, 1973 84 im Westfälisch Lippischen Landwirtschaftsverband tätig (bis 1993 dessen Vizepräsident); seit 1980 Mitglied des Bundestags (CDU), war vom 21. 1.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Borchert Field — was a baseball park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was the home field for several professional baseball clubs for most of the years from 1888 through 1952.The park was built on a rectangular block bounded by North 7th and 8th Streets, and Chambers… …   Wikipedia

  • Borchert's Epochs — refer to four distinct periods in the history of American urbanization. Each epoch is characerized by the impact of a particular transport technology on the creation and differential rates of growth of American cities. This model was… …   Wikipedia

  • Borchert, Wolfgang — (1921 1947)    Playwright. Borchert is best known for Draussen vor der Tür (The Outsider), which was originally performed on radio in early 1947. He was briefly an actor before being drafted into the German army at age 19; he later survived… …   Historical dictionary of German Theatre

  • Borchert, Wolfgang — ▪ German writer born May 20, 1921, Hamburg, Ger. died Nov. 20, 1947, Basel, Switz.       playwright and short story writer who gave voice to the anguish of the German soldier after World War II.       As a young man Borchert wrote several plays… …   Universalium

  • Borchert — norddeutsche Nebenform von → Burkhard (Bedeutungszusammensetzung aus: »Burg« und »stark«). Nur noch selten anzutreffen …   Deutsch namen

  • Borchert — /ˈbɔkɜt/ (say bawkert) noun Wolfgang /ˈvɒlfgaŋ/ (say volfgahng), 1921–47, German novelist and essayist …  

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